To keep you up to date with Coronavirus relief measures:
Bounce back loans of up to £50,000 are now available.  You need to apply to your bank, ideally through their website.  The process is meant to be quick, simple, and (mostly) self-certified.

Local authorities have been given a discretionary fund to make grants to small businesses.  The grants are aimed at those which missed out on the business rates grants, such as B&Bs and market traders, but can be given to any local business the authority thinks appropriate.
The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership has a Pay It Forward scheme, whereby small businesses can get match funding for amounts raised through Crowdfunder.
Furlough pay calculations have been causing many employers some headaches. In particular, where employees take leave (including bank holidays) you may need to top their pay up to their pre-furlough day rate.  Details are on HMRC’s website , but do get in touch if you need any help with this.
The Self-employed will need to deal with their grant claims themselves – HMRC have announced that agents will not be able to do it for them.  If you’re eligible for a grant HMRC will contact you, but you’ll then need to log into the Government Gateway to make the claim.  Details should be coming out in the next few weeks, so if you don’t currently have a Gateway account then now is the time to set one up.

If you would like any help with these or any other Coronavirus reliefs, please get in touch.