Strategic Move: Why You Need an Accountant During a Recession  

The industrial and political leaders who met in Davos last May gave a  gloomy outlook for our future . Even the World Bank  shares their pessimism . This grim reality makes us rethink our current budgeting strategy. 

People all around the world are starting to tighten their belts. As an entrepreneur, it is prudent to do strategic cost-cutting measures. With that said, should you cut off accounting services? 

Doing so would double your financial woes. Before you do so, kindly finish reading this article. It will give you excellent reasons why small businesses and start-ups require an accountant. 

Helps You Legally Reduce Your Taxes  

Developing complex strategies for accounting is what bookkeepers and accountants do. That is why most companies hire them for their expertise in reducing the taxable income of their clients. By following the advice, the accountant gave, less taxable income would be reported.   


Again, let us emphasise the word legal. Hiring an accountant is your best option when you have no clue about improving your tax rates. Many accountants are not just helping their clients to save money. They are preserving their assets’ value by reducing their tax liabilities. 

A typical example of tax reduction is the depreciation of assets. It is a crucial process in tax saving because you can reduce your capital gains.    


You must ensure you can take full advantage of your asset depreciation. If you fail to do so, you risk your assets becoming useless. Thus, effectively reducing the value of your assets. 


Finding the Right Software for Your Accounting Needs  

If you have a small company with less than 20 employees or have a start-up, you’ll have fewer accounting requirements than a mature company. However, you must take into consideration your business type. It would be best if you choose the right software to meet your accounting needs. 


Time and effort are the best investments you can make for your business. When you use the right accounting system, you will save money and time. An accountant can provide you with customised accounting software for your company. By choosing the right software, you can significantly save time. 


Helps You Manage Your Finances  

Accounting is a crucial part of the business. It is the one that helps you identify revenues, expenses, and profits and is your primary tool for resource allocation.   


You can effectively manage your finances when you know how much cash you have on hand and how your income and expenses are balanced. You can allocate resources to the areas with promising futures. For instance, you can use your profit to develop your business for faster growth. 


As the old saying goes, knowledge is power. As an entrepreneur, you must have the proper knowledge of managing your finances. An accountant can provide you with the correct information.   


You must be aware of your expenses. You need to know how your business performs financially. For that purpose, you can determine when to apply your resources. 



Accounting is essential for your business. It helps you run your business effectively because a good accountant can give you the right advice on addressing your business needs. They can help you manage your finances most efficiently. You should not undermine their value as a business partner. Accounting is your best weapon if you have a small business and want to reduce your financial problems. 


In this crucial time, it would be best to rely on the expert help of Fiander Tovell. We can help you get through this financial crisis and even pave the way to your company’s expansion. Contact us for more information.