Small businesses are the backbone of the national economy, and their success is essential to the health of our communities. When it comes time to sell a small business, valuation is a critical component of the process.

There are a number of factors that go into determining the value of a small business, and professional appraisers can help identify and assess these factors. The most important thing to remember is that the value of a small business is ultimately determined by what a buyer is willing to pay.

If you’re considering selling your small business, getting a professional valuation is important. This will give you a realistic idea of what your business is worth and help you get the best price possible when you’re ready to sell. Here are reasons you should consider business valuation:

Determining the Value of Your Business Is a Complicated Process

Determining the value of a small business is a complicated process. There are several factors that go into it, and if you’re not an experienced appraiser, it can be challenging to know where to start. A professional appraiser will have the knowledge and experience to value your business correctly.

You Need an Objective Opinion

It’s essential to get an objective opinion when determining the value of your business. If you’re too close to the situation, it can be difficult to be objective. A professional appraiser will be able to provide an objective opinion and help you arrive at a fair value for your business.

You Might Not Be Aware of All Factors

There are a number of factors that go into determining the value of a small business. Some of these factors might not be immediately obvious, and if you’re not an experienced appraiser, you might not be aware of them. A professional appraiser can identify all the relevant factors and ensure they’re taken into account when valuing your business.

You Need It for Tax Purposes

If you’re selling your business, you might need a professional valuation for tax purposes. It is commonly required that companies be valued at fair market value when they’re sold.

You Might Need It for a Legal Matter

If you’re the subject of a lawsuit, you might need a business valuation to determine the value of your business. Your professional valuation can be used to settle a case, divorce, or estate matter or to determine the value of your business if you’re subject to a business tax audit.

You Need It for a Business Loan

You might need a professional business valuation if you’re applying for a business loan. Many lenders will require a professional valuation to determine your business’s value and how much of your business they can lend against.

You’re Planning a Business Sale

If you’re selling your business, you might need a professional valuation. A professional valuation will help you determine the fair market value of your business and will help you negotiate a fair price for your business.

You Need an Investor

If you’re looking for investors for your business, you might need a professional valuation. Investors will want to know your business’s fair market value before investing. A business valuation will help you determine its market value and help you ask for the investment you deserve.


When it comes to business valuations, there are many factors that need to be considered. If you are thinking about hiring a professional business valuation company, make sure you do your research and find a reputable one.

Do you need a
business valuation in the UK ? Turn to Fiander Tovell. We work with a wide range of businesses of all ages, sizes, sectors and structures and with private individuals. Call us!