While owning a business can be rewarding, there’s no doubt that it can be a stressful experience. It can feel like you are constantly putting out fires everywhere you go. While there are lots of issues beyond your control, financial planning is an area which, thankfully, can be managed.  

However, while financial planning can be handled with less turbulence, it still requires a comprehensive strategy. At Fiander Tovell, we can provide you with all the tips to navigate the intricacies of financial planning to establish an effective plan tailored to your business’s needs.  

In this blog, we break down just some of the guidance from our experienced team to steer clear of a financial crisis.  

Separating personal and business finances  

A common mistake we see is businesses using a single bank account to manage everything. Not only does this cause confusion, but you can also end up in legal trouble. This could leave you (as the owner) personally liable for all your company’s debts and liabilities. We suggest creating a separate bank account and obtaining a distinct credit card solely dedicated to your business. This segregation facilitates streamlined tracking of expenditures, simplifies tax calculations, and ensures the maintenance of transparent financial records. This active management serves as a protective measure for your personal assets against potential business liabilities.  

Tracking your money 

Now that you have separated your finances, you will have an overview of cashflow. Tracking your money becomes much more manageable, which is essential for understanding where your business stands financially and for making informed decisions.  

With Fiander Tovell, we can analyse your cash flow statements to identify trends, patterns, and potential areas for improvement. This analysis provides us with essential data for creating financial plans tailored to your business. Overall, understanding your expected cash inflow and outflow allows you to make decisions surrounding investment, expansion, and other strategic initiatives.  

Establish and Review Budgets 

Budgeting is a cornerstone of financial planning, enabling you to allocate resources effectively and prioritise spending. Take the time to establish realistic budgets for your business, and regularly review them to track performance against targets. This proactive approach will help you identify areas for improvement and adjust as needed to stay on track. 

Manage Accounts Receivable and Payable 

Efficient management of accounts receivable and payable is critical for maintaining a healthy cash flow. Implementing strategies to accelerate receivables, such as offering incentives for early payment, and negotiating favourable payment terms with suppliers can help optimise cash flow. Our team can work with you to develop tailored solutions for managing accounts receivable and payable effectively. 

Planning for the Future 

Successful financial management isn’t just about the present—it’s also about planning for the future. Whether it’s investing in growth opportunities, saving for expansion, or preparing for unforeseen challenges, having a comprehensive financial plan in place is essential. Our experts at Fiander Tovell can assist you in developing a strategic financial plan that aligns with your business goals and sets you up for long-term success. 

By implementing our tips for better financial management and planning, you can take better control of your business’s finances. At Fiander Tovell, we’re committed to helping business owners like you achieve their financial goals. Our team is here to support you every step of the way. 

If you would like to enquire about our services or would like more information, please contact our Commercial Client Director, Fabrice Legris, at fabrice.legris@fiandertovell.co.uk